Exercise 2

toothpaste icon



Toothpaste (ensure it has a flavor the child likes)

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In all these exercises,
be sure to apply the




D for Discovery

Start by introducing the toothpaste, allowing the child to explore the tube, smell the toothpaste, and taste a small amount on their finger to get used to the texture and flavor. Make sure to choose a flavor the child enjoys, making the experience more pleasant.


E for Example / Education

Show the child how to put the toothpaste on the brush and simply explain why we brush our teeth. Tell them that the toothpaste helps make teeth strong and keeps away bacteria that can harm them. You can illustrate this by gently brushing the teeth of a favorite toy or using a large mouth illustration to show how and where to apply the toothpaste.


T for Take Turns

Apply toothpaste on each toothbrush and embark the child in an interactive game where you take turns brushing your teeth. This helps the child learn by imitation. Count out loud while brushing teeth. Count 1-2-3 when the adult brushes their teeth, then repeat the same countdown when it's the child's turn. Counting the brush strokes together can also make it fun and educational.


E for Enactment

Encourage the child to try brushing their teeth on their own with the toothpaste on. Depending on their abilities, you can help by guiding their hand or even doing the brushing for them. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as the child becomes more comfortable and familiar with the sensation. Remember to count together to make this step playful and track progress. Praise them after each session to build their confidence and commitment.